What we do on a daily basis defines our lives. Routine intervenes in most current activities, even if most people do not realize this. It can be positive or negative, depending on how each of us is referring to it, but if we talk about self-care routine, it has only positive aspects.
Self-care routine is very important at any age, but in the case of seniors, it provides even more advantages.
First, it reduces stress, by increasing the feeling of being in control, which is essential at an age when physical and cognitive abilities begin to decrease. The lack of structure makes things more unpredictable, thus stressful.
The interest in your self-care routine is something to be cultivated before reaching the old age, because good habits do not really happen overnight. If you are used to do the basic daily operations, it will be easier to be more responsible with taking medication, eating regularly etc. when you become a senior, which will bring more stability for you and for people who care for you. If you deal with fibromyalgia pain or chronic fatique, talk with one of the fibromyalgia doctors Denver area hosts to see how they can help.
Not least, recent studies reveal that self-care routine will also help you sleep better. Doing the same basic activities each day and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule improve the quality of the sleep.