Depending on where you live and what you’re used to, the seasons can have a greater and lesser influence on your health and mood. It also depends on your age and whether or not you suffer from a condition like rheumatism, which is instantly linked to differing weather patterns; but we won’t go too deep into that here.


Your mood is influenced by many different factors, but the primary factor that affects it is your focus on external conditions. This means that, when something happens around you that influences your body or mind, you are more likely to take notice of it, which causes an instant emotional reaction from you.


The weather and the climate in your area is a good example. The cold of winter can greatly influence your mood, since you will be more restricted in this period. Some activities that you’re used to in a warmer environment will be impossible to do outdoors in the wintertime, and others are simply impractical.


Summer can lead you to feeling energetic, but also lethargic. When it’s too hot, sometimes all you want to do is hit the pool or leave town and go on a vacation. However, you might just have to stay at the office and even work overtime. Similarly, all other seasonal changes can affect your mood, and if you are aware of these changes, it will be much easier to control your mental and emotional reactions without any negative consequences.  Talking with a Denver integrative medicine doctor can help to alleviate such drastic mood changes.