The so-called Monday blues are often blamed for the lack of enthusiasm or productivity at the beginning of a new business week. However, according to many psychologists, the actual “Monday blues” are nothing more than a myth that covers up other inherent issues that have to be dealt with both collectively and individually within a business.


If you’re an employee at a large corporation, and you have a lot of unsatisfying work every week, then you’re usually more prone to the Monday blues than a business owner who has their own business and does their own thing. It’s a basic link between freedom and motivation that cannot be replaced by monetary remunerations and various bonuses.


So, the basic idea is that, when your freedom is restricted, going back to work after a relaxing weekend will be a lot less satisfying. So whether or not you are happy at your current job plays an immense role in determining whether or not you’ll be affected by the Monday blues.  There are sometimes physical ailments that can leave you feeling drained, in those cases look to natural ways to gain a higher level of energy through hormone treatments at places like


To avoid being affected, employees have to do one of two things: either they have to change their workplace (or possibly get a transfer to an area they feel more comfortable with), or they have to redefine their view of the job they are currently doing. While the second option is usually harder, it will also provide the employee in question with a greater opportunity to gain more strength of character and decisiveness at their workplace.