There’s a lot of bad news going around. All you have to do is turn on CNN or read an online news article, and you can see it. However, the important thing to remember is that you’re not stuck with that all the time. You can, in fact, see the world differently, despite the fact that everyone says that bad news is all there is.
A surprising amount of so-called “boring” events exist in the world right now that we take for granted. Bad news looks big because it’s easy to be attracted to. You see someone being attacked, and it sticks out. But you never pay attention to all the times when a strong or violent person could have attacked another, but didn’t.
By the same principle, we can look at car crashes, political squabbles and many other events broadcast on the news on a regular basis. People are attracted by sensationalism, but have you ever really stopped to think of all the non-sensational events that are quite beautiful and miraculous?
The sun comes up every day, new flowers bloom every spring, and each moonlit night is completely different from the one before. Even people are different each and every day. Some learn new skills and are better able to interact with those around them after a traumatic or difficult event. Others can even go from “zero to hero” overnight, and yet we don’t even notice them. Get your hormones in balance and see a thyroid doctor Denver offers to help deal with life’s emotions properly.
Practice noticing the “boring” things that most people don’t look at. You’ll find that there’s a lot there that the news doesn’t broadcast, and some of it even happens to you on a daily basis.