We all want a long and happy life, without troubles or disease. But wanting is not enough and… let`s face it, we don`t always do much to reach this goal. In case you did not know, more than 80% of your health depends on how you eat, whether you exercise, sleep enough, as well as on the emotions and feelings you experience. The remaining 20% ​​is genetically transmitted or related to the environment and the health system existing where you live.

In other words, your lifestyle is the sum of the small choices you make every day, with a short or long-term impact on you. Here are some principles of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Respect the rules of optimal nutrition! You must have a balanced diet. Eat whole and unprocessed foods, ensure variety in your diet, consume large quantities of vegetables and practice eating consciously and in appropriate quantities.
  2. Practice any physical activity and find help in hormone replacement therapy Denver practices offer.

To have a long and disease-free life, along with a healthy diet you also have to do sports. More specifically, any kind of physical activity! Find some exercises or sports that you like and can practice constantly, even at home, if you do not have the time to go to the gym.

  1. Give your body enough time to rest (relaxation, sleep)

It is important to wake up every morning at the same hour and go to bed when you feel tired. If you respect this principle for a few days in a row, your body will adjust and you will feel full of energy.