For many people, pets are family members. According to the specialists, our little furry friends can help us overcome bad moments, when we suffer from depression, anxiety and stress. A pet greatly contributes to boosting our level of happiness. Going out with the dog, observing the funny way in which the cat behaves are moments when we forget about our worries and share with our furry friends moments of unconditional affection.

The field of science studying the effect of pet animals on human health is known as Antrozoology and it gains popularity in the entire world.

Pets play an important role in improving health and well-being, even in people with chronic medical conditions. Also, several studies, including a three-year study report, have shown that pets help reduce blood pressure. Stress-related blood pressure can lead to heart attack, by weakening blood vessels. Some research studies also show that patients who have had a heart attack have the chance to survive longer if they own a pet.

Pet owners know only too well how amazing is the feeling of being welcomed home by a happy little soul who is never upset when we are not in the best mood and loves us in any circumstance. Our only concern should be to offer our pets love and care – which is so easy and emotionally beneficial!  Stress can also be related to underlying health issues as well, see to find out more.