Gratitude is something that not many of us think about. A lot of people live life in a state of defiance and feeling treated unjustly. Their argument is, “why should I ever feel gratitude for what I have when all these things were taken away from me, and I can’t seem to get a break no matter what I do?”
The problem with this line of thinking is that, by pursuing it, we often become blind to the things we should be grateful about – which are usually also the tools that can help us get past the current problems that we face.
Working gratitude into our lives is the answer to this very real and very problematic issue. So, how do we even do that?
There can be many ways. Of course, we can’t just snap our fingers and feel grateful. We have to first guide our thoughts to a place where they can acknowledge that gratitude is justified. After all, every feeling we ever feel is generated by something we believe or think about.
The most important thing to do first is to reach a state of relative calm through breathing and performing exercises that can help release any aggression you might have pent up in your body. Be sure that your thyroid is performing as it should, get to a thyroid doctor Denver area to have it checked out, as that can play with your emotions. After that, you can start looking at the things in your life that have actually helped you go on – such as the job that, even though isn’t what you’d like to do, has always paid your bills on a regular basis; or the sibling who was always on your side in their own way, whether you were going through hard times or not.