Are you looking to reduce the amount of time you spend on your phone or computer. Phone, tablet and computer screens can be very damaging to the eyes and brain, if you stare at them for too long. So starting a few new strategies for spending more time with actual people and physical activities could help you out a lot, and keep you from having to see one of the fibromyalgia doctors Denver has– not just to reduce your time spent in front of your screen, but also to assist you in finding new activities to enjoy:


  • Start working more on your home and beginning new hobbies in your free time, instead of spending most of your time on games and online activities.
  • Replace Facebook and chatting with real life socializing. While remote friends who can’t meet up with you might still require your attention, you can at least spend more time meeting the people in your home town face to face, instead of talking to them through a computer or phone screen.
  • If you like to read, consider buying a magazine or a newspaper, or even reading a paperback book, instead of browsing through online articles and reading stuff on your tablet all the time.
  • Enroll in a club, or try an activity like paint and sip parties to relieve your boredom and begin enjoying more time making real life friends.