Many of us have different hobbies: playing guitar, reading, playing computer games, going to the gym, running, shopping, scrapbooking etc. But there are also hobbies that you’ve probably never heard of.
Tattooing cars
A Taiwanese retired man has a very unusual creative hobby: tattooing cars. He amazed the world with his passion, by printing Buddhist religious messages on cars. The first car that he turned into a true sacred artifact was a 1999 Volkswagen, owned by one of his friends. Li Zongxiong (that`s his name) says that his hobby is special because by tattooing the sacred messages on cars, both the driver and the vehicle are protected against accidents.
Collection of Ecstasy pills
A Dutchman amazed the world with his weird hobby: he managed to build an impressive collection of ecstasy pills during more than 20 years. The collection was worthy of the Guinness World Records, but the man did not reveal his hobby until his entire collection was stolen. The Dutch reported to the police that he illegally gathered 2,400 ecstasy pills, not for consumption or traffic, but just because he liked their patterns and colors.
Knitting… breasts
Mrs. Horncastle, an octogenarian living in the city of Brighton, England has become famous worldwide for her passion: knitting woolen breasts. This granny says the breasts are probably the most beautiful part of the human body. Besides the decorative role of her creations, Mrs. Horncastle also knits for an association dedicated to the education of young mothers.
For hormone checks and balancing, contact New Spring Integrative Medicine of Denver to see how you can stay mentally and physically fit, to pick up and do the hobbies you enjoy.