Fibromyalgia is an illness that is still extensively researched by medical scientists. The principle symptom of the syndrome is severe, often generalized pain in the joints and muscles that does not affect the body’s organs and does not cause any modifications detectable through testing. The chronic pain, the muscle tenderness that principally affects the limbs, but can manifest anywhere in the body can severely hinder the patient’s life quality and has been, until recently, considered to appear for mysterious reasons.
While targeted treatment options are not yet available, the ailment is today considered to be an affection of the central nervous system and in many cases linked to mood disorders that trigger inflammatory responses in the body. The treatment of the condition usually consists of medication administered by fibromyalgia doctors Denver is home to, to relieve the symptoms, such as pain management medications, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioid analgesics and antidepressants. Psychotherapy to treat the underlying mood disorder, acupuncture and hypnotherapy have also proven to be efficient for many fibromyalgia sufferers. In many cases, fibromyalgia goes away on its own, but medical science still has a long way to go until it finds the cause for either the appearance or the disappearance of the syndrome and develops an effective cure for the condition.