De-cluttering is very helpful when you decide to put your life in order. An orderly home can be much more comfortable and empowering than one filled with clutter, not to mention that it might even influence your friends and family members to visit you more often.


In most cases, the presence of clutter is derived from a lack of organization in our thinking. If we take some time to think clearly about all the items we use, we can make a decent list of them and archive everything else by putting it in storage or just storing it in the attic or basement. Once that’s done, it’s easy to find places that are more secluded for all the items we use, to keep them at the ready without cluttering important areas like living rooms, kitchens, hallways and guest rooms.  People who have clutter in excess may be dealing with hormone imbalances, and may need Denver bioidentical hormone doctors to help them regain mental focus.


If you feel very strongly about using just about all the items you have lying around your home, you can also store them in a usable way. Consider preparing a couple of large shelves or cabinets in a back room or your bedroom, and labeling each section. Then you can store all the items based on the labels, so you can keep them ready and available even if they’re not in the “usual” place, on a coffee table or on top of the old TV.