Staying active becomes increasingly important as we age – when we are young, physical activities are not that much of a challenge, but when you start noticing that getting things done becomes more and more of a challenge, taking steps to improve your physical condition becomes an issue that needs more and more of your attention.

The natural process of aging takes its toll on the entire body. Muscles regenerate at a slower rate, joints become increasingly sensitive to effort and minor health issues keep popping their head up all the time. However, there are many ways to counter the effects of aging – here are some forms of mild physical activities that can help a lot and are also enjoyable:

        Brisk walks – walking is known to work the muscles and the joins even better than running or jogging. Take a walk every day around the block or in the nearby park, try Nordic walking or power walking – you will enjoy every minute of it and it is the best cardio workout ever;

        Gardening – you can start planting herbs or low-maintenance shrubs and flowers in a corner of your backyard and you can extend your garden from there if you enjoy the activity;

        Swimming – another excellent, low-impact activity that is beneficial at any age.

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