Whether you’ve found the desire for meditation as part of your spiritual path, or you just want to use it as a mental exercise, meditation might give you a lot more than you’ve bargained for. A unique experience that turns your consciousness inside out, the practice of meditation is one that dates back thousands of years, and has been promoted by some of the most enlightened individuals in history.


If you’re a beginner, you have to know one thing about meditation: its core concept is based on a concept known as the “middle path.” That means you always have to strive for balance, and while meditating, the state of being you’re looking for is one of a precise balance between being calm and being focused.  Stretching is helpful says fibromyalgia doctors Denver has available, as it keeps you moving in a calm peaceful way.


The simplest meditation technique is the basic action of closing your eyes and remaining aware of your breath. As you breathe, simply allow your breath to flow naturally, without trying to force a certain rhythm or slow it down on purpose. Your body and mind will gradually relax as you allow your breath to guide you without trying to push for any kind of reaction.


In the beginning, it’s best to meditate no more than 5-15 minutes each day, depending on how long it feels more comfortable for you. Do it at a time when your body has experienced some degree of physical stress (such as after doing your workout). That way, your mind will be less inclined to wobble, and you will be less inclined to fall asleep.