senior couple running mental health good functional medicine

Regular exercise is the best and healthiest way to achieve your target weight and ideal figure, while also ensuring fitness, but doing exercise regularly comes with more than just physical benefits. Regular training comes with lots of great perks for your mental health as well – here are some:

  • Countering the effects of stress – the best way to wind down after a stressful day is by engaging into some form of exercise at the end of the day, preferably in fresh air. Exercising releases hormones that will increase your general sense of well-being, it will help you adopt a more optimistic take on life’s hardships and will boost your overall mood as well;
  • Cognitive benefits – regular exercise is known to improve focus, memory as well as problem-solving;
  • Better sleep – sleep disorders are among the most common issues caused by modern lifestyle. Exercise is known to be among the best ways to solve the problem – regular training, whether mild or strenuous, is known to make sleep deeper and more refreshing, thus being a great tool to help you achieve higher levels of energy during the day;
  • A great antidepressant – regular exercise is also known to help with the symptoms of mild to moderate depression.  Along with exercise establishing a plan with a local functional medicine Denver doctor can help too!