On the Memorial Day, people honor those who died in war. It was first celebrated after the U.S. Civil War and became a national holiday in 1971.

This holiday also marks the beginning of summer, therefore many Americans take advantage of the free Memorial Day weekend and plan outdoor activities, if weather is nice. Statistics show that for half of the Americans, Memorial Day is about traveling, fishing, camping, going to the beach, doing some yard work, organizing a barbecue etc. For many, it is also about attending community events, organized to celebrate Memorial Day.

Most Americans prefer to be with friends and family, on this holiday.

Here are some of our suggestions for this year`s Memorial Day weekend.

Take a hike

If the weather is sunny, grab a few friends and go on a hike. Just pack a lunch and enjoy the rod and the view!

Sitting by the pool

This free weekend can be all about catching up on some relaxation. Bring some cool snacks and enjoy the sun!

Tour your own city

Check the events organized for the Memorial Day and attend those that interest you. Alternatively, you can simply choose to visit parts of the place you live that you have not seen in a long time.  The New Spring fibromyalgia doctors Denver area say that exercise is the best way, along with treatments to start to regain your life back, so get out for a walk and enjoy!