The New Year is a period when we are filled with energy and ready to transform our life completely, promising ourselves to become thinner, richer and happier. Any plan that is successfully achieved has a thorough strategy behind, so here are some tips for you about how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions:

  • Start with small changes – if you haven’t been exercising in a long time, it would be unrealistic to propose yourself to work out seven days a week. Make sure you have the energy you need and visit a thyroid specialist Denver area to determine if help is needed in this area.  Make a schedule to exercise three times per week and increase your workload gradually, as your physical condition improves;
  • Don’t change too many things at a time – many people make the mistake of starting all their life changing projects at the same time, going on a strict diet, working out and trying to stay away from coffee, all from the 1st of January. Your current lifestyle has developed over time, which also means that changing it will take time, too, so opening one front at a time is a better way to achieve your goals than opening all of them simultaneously;
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself – disciplined action is essential for achieving your goals, but perseverance is more important. Don’t give up on yourself because you skipped a workout or you had a slice of cake, return to your strategy the next day and continue until you reach your goals.