Hormone Therapy Concept

Hormone replacement therapy is the treatment during which the patient receives hormones to supplement a hormone that the body does not produce in sufficient quantity or to replace a hormone naturally produced by the body. The most common forms of hormone replacement therapy Denver practitioners offer are menopausal hormone therapy to reduce or to eliminate the discomfort caused by diminished levels of oestrogen and progesterone, transgender hormone therapy to introduce hormones typical of the gender that the patient identifies with and androgen hormone replacement, used for the treatment of male hypogonadism, of andropause or for men who have lost testicular function because of a disease.

Each patient has a different reaction to hormone replacement therapy, but here are the benefits most commonly reported:

  • The symptoms that determined the patient to seek medical help disappear completely or are significantly reduced.
  • If the treatment is administered to women in menopausal age, the risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced.
  • The risk of endometrial cancer is also reduced to minimum.

The first step in hormone replacement therapy is a thorough medical examination that includes blood tests and other forms of exams as well in order to determine the best way to supplement or replace the body’s hormones. This means that you will have a clear and comprehensive picture of your actual level of health prior to starting hormone treatment, which is another important benefit.