Anxiety can be defined as the condition of excessive worrying, which seems out of your control. Extreme anxiety can manifest itself by panic attacks. A healthy, balanced diet, getting enough sleep, using limited quantities of caffeine and alcohol, exercise, etc., can help you relieve your anxiety, also trips to a local integrative medicine Denver doctor can help.
Anxiety also implies the fact that the person suffering from this disorder has a tendency to focus on the future, on the potentially harmful situations that he/she is going to have to face. Psychologists recommend that you stay focused on the present, especially in case there is little that you can do in your present moment to ensure the safety of a future event.
Also, despite the fact that your heart is pounding to the point that you may be worried about having a heart attack, it is very important to acknowledge your current state, namely that you are probably having a panic attack, and that you are not dying. The intense emotions you are experiencing are clear indicators that you are alive and in good shape.
Another good idea is to rationalize your thoughts, thus analyzing your current fears through a more realistic perspective, and finding a balanced way to predict the events which may trigger the anxiety episode.