Time management is a lot more than just adopting a schedule and trying to stick to it. Oftentimes, schedules and calendars have to be adapted to our personalities, and being able to stick to the tasks we set out for will depend on our time management skills. Moreover, there’s a fine art to accepting new tasks and being able to add them to your schedule, and failure to do so properly can result in becoming overwhelmed with too much to do, and stress can lead to chronic fatigue doctors Denver area say.


Tip #1: Accept Where You Are


You can’t get to where you want to be without first accepting where you are. A lot of people try to write down dozens of tasks per day only to find they can barely complete 2-3 of them because of their (current) lack of motivation or time management skills. Start small, and learn to build up your organizational skills to gradually accept more tasks as you get the hang of it.


Tip #2: Gauge the Amount of Time Spent on Each Task


How much time does it take you to get through all your emails? For some it’s 5 minutes, but for others it can be more than 30. If you know how long it takes you to handle each of your tasks, you can better account for your time and manage it more efficiently.


Tip #2: Learn to Say No!


Sometimes we just can’t add something new to our schedule no matter how badly we want to. If you’re faced with this situation it’s important to stick up for yourself and say “NO” before you end up overwhelmed with the amount of work you take on.