As we age, our bodies are no longer as capable to deal with processing foods that contain large amounts of sugar and fat. While being young we might have been able to eat just about anything we wanted, the body gets slow and gains weight easily as we age. As a result, health problems also occur more frequently, and we have to watch what we eat.  Taking the time and money to invest in your health is worth it, and getting Denver testosterone replacement therapy treatments can help significantly, along with eating healthy as described below.

However, that shouldn’t keep us from having a good time and enjoying good food. Here are a few of the best foods you can eat as you age:

  • Low-GI foods are the best. While almonds, for instance, contain almost 20% sugar, that is a type of complex sugar that will give you energy without increasing your blood sugar levels too much. As a result, foods like almonds, broccoli and various nuts and grains can be excellent foods to try when growing old.
  • Bananas, apples and other fiber-rich foods can be necessary for digestion. Instead of stocking up on high-carb snacks and sweets, consider switching to fruit and having a fruit salad every once in a while.
  • Finally, it’s important to replace saturated fat with healthy fats stored in nuts and various legumes. Even though unprocessed peanuts have a significant amount of fat, it’s much healthier than the fat that you consume by eating fatty meats and foods containing butter or mayonnaise.