Are you overworking yourself? A lot of people think that they’re just following their normal, daily routines, but they’re actually not getting enough rest and relaxation. Depending on your work routine, this might seem to be a prerequisite for keeping your job, but if you look carefully at your schedule, you will find this isn’t usually the case.
Most jobs only require you to work up to 8 hours a day. Although this isn’t always the norm – since in some places you might have to work intensely for up to 12 hours in a single day (or even more) – even those 8 hours can take their toll. The local chronic fatigue doctors Denver area see a lot of patients experiencing these symptoms.
Now, regardless of how much you work per day, if you want to find out whether or not you’re overworking yourself, consider answering these questions:
- Do you feel stressed out most of the time?
- Are you having trouble concentrating?
- Are you constantly in a grumpy mood and feeling like you’re not doing enough for yourself?
- Do you get insomnia, or do you just feel like you aren’t getting enough sleep?
- Do you find yourself skipping meals to avoid being late for work?
- Are your relationships suffering because you’re doing overtime?
- Is your job overall unfulfilling?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might be at least somewhat overworked. These are all clear signs that you’re working too hard, and if you’re experiencing them, that’s definitely a sign that you need to change something in your life as soon as possible.